Funk Seeds 420 Souvenirs

A Family Legacy

Nestled in the heart of the United States, our family-owned business specializes in crafting high-quality cannabis seed souvenirs that celebrate the art of cultivation and the joy of sharing. At Funk Seeds 420, we believe in the beauty of family, heritage, and the incredible potential of nature.

With roots that run deep in both our community and the cannabis culture, we pride ourselves on offering thoughtfully curated seed souvenirs that reflect nearly 50 years of growing experience and craftsmanship. Each seed represents not just a plant, but a story — a connection to our family history and a commitment to fellowship with the Earth.

To learn more about the history behind Funk Seeds 420, check out our About Page.

Pictured above is a size comparison between Funk Seeds’ Funk 24 seed (left/top) and a Cherbarkul Landrace seed (right/bottom) from which the Funk 24 seed is a descendant.

Pictured above is a size comparison between Funk Seeds’ Funk 24 seed (left) and a Cherbarkul Landrace seed (right) from which the Funk 24 seed is a descendant.

  • Background of non-flowered cannabis plants with white text foreground reading "these souvenirs represent each grow you see before funk seeds 420"

    These souvenirs represent each grow you see before you

    Funk Seeds 420

  • Every seed is like a fingerprint

    Funk Seeds 420

  • Background is dirty hands in garden dirt foreground is white text reading Underground since 1978 Funk Seeds 420

    Underground since 1978

    Funk Seeds 420